DE-poster-228Donovan's Echo
Donovan (Danny Glover) returns home to discover that tragic events from his past are possibly repeating. Plagued by déjà vu, Donovan is convinced his young neighbour and her mother are doomed to die on the anniversary of his wife and daughter’s deaths. Struggling to unlock the pattern, Donovan tries to solicit the help of his brother-in-law, police Sergeant Finnley (Bruce Greenwood). When his facts don’t add up, Donovan’s sanity is questioned. Is he losing his mind, or running out of time?


Exec Producer - Mary Anne Waterhouse, Lance Priebe, Bruce Greenwood
Producers - Trent Carlson and Andria Spring
Director - Jim Cliffe
Writers - Melodie Krieger and Jim Cliffe
Distributor - Union Pictures Canada
Foreign Sales - Stealth Media Group
Financed by:  Telefilm Canada, OOMM Productions, TMN, Movie Central

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